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Advance Directive

Mental Health Advance Directive

A mental health advance directive is a written form to:

  • Note what treatment you want or don’t want, if you are unable to communicate or make decisions 
  • Identify a person you trust to make decisions on your behalf

The form is meant to give you control over what happens to you in a crisis. For more information about Washington State Law or to fill out a mental health advanced directive, visit the Washington State Health Care Authority web page on Mental Health Advance Directives.

For questions about any of your health care services, call the Coordinated Care Member Services team at 1-877-644-4613 (TTY: 711).

Planning Your Living Will

We think you are the most important person who will ever be involved in your care. You have the right to make decisions about your care. We want you to be active in all your healthcare choices.

It is an unpleasant thought, but what if you became too sick to tell the doctor what you want your care to be? An Advance directive (also known as a living will) is a way to make sure that your wishes are known. 

You can make decisions in advance of care or name someone, known as a Medical Power of Attorney, to make those choices if you cannot.

Creating Your Living Will

Coordinated Care recommends all of our plan members take the time to create a living will, designate a power of attorney and provide their advance directive to their primary care physician. You must complete a State of Washington Declaration.

Once you have completed your advance directive, ask your doctor to put the form in your file. You can also talk to your doctor about the decision making process of creating your Living Will or Advance Directive. Together, you can make decisions that will set your mind at ease.

If you should ever need or want to, you can change your Advance Directive at any time. You should make sure others know you have an Advance Directive. You may also choose to designate a Medical Power of Attorney. That person should be made aware of your advance directive or living will as well.

With an Advance Directive, you can be sure that you are cared for as you wish, at a time when you cannot give the information.

Information and Resources to Assist you with End of Life Planning and Advance Directives:

Please call our Member Services if you need help to find or understand these resources at 1-877-644-4613 (TTY: 711).

Physicians Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (POLST)

POLST helps a doctor know what you would like to do when you are seriously ill and in life-sustaining treatment. Please contact your doctor to learn more.

Washington State Medical Association POLST resources

Coordinated Care Advance Directive Policy and Procedure

Advance Directives (WA.CM.10) (PDF)