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Unleash the healthiest you!

Take advantage of great member benefits at no cost with Coordinated Care’s health plans. As a local, managed care health plan, we believe in helping you and your family get well and stay well.

  • Select the right doctor from our statewide network.
  • Get the urgent care and hospital attention you need for emergency situations.

Take advantage of our resources and rewards programs to keep you healthy, like:

  • Start Smart for Your Baby® – Our special maternity program offers support and esources for pregnant and new moms.
  • 24-Hour Nurse Advice Line – Call anytime for medical and mental health support, and get help deciding if you should go to an ER or urgent care.
  • Health Library – Access more than 1,000 health topics on our website to help guide your health decisions.
  • Care Management Programs – Receive personalized help managing your benefits, resources and various health conditions.

Or Call:

Washington Apple Health (Medicaid) at 1-877-644-4613 (TDD/TTY: TTY: 711)
Ambetter by Coordinated Care at 1-877-687-1197 (TTY/TDD 1-877-941-9238)